A central processing unit built into a single VSLI chip is known as a microprocessor, an additional circuit is usually added to it increasing it functionalites and capabilities making it work as a microcomputer.
Microprocessors performs adding, subtractions, comparing of numbers and fetching the data from memory for transferring it from one place to another.
An embedded microprocessor is a computer chip use in complex and multifunctional circuits for manipulation and processing of input signals. It's a digital electronic component, embedded with milions of components like transistors, capacitors, diodes, etc. To form a logic circuit embedded into a solid block of silicon or germanium or other semiconductors.
Their flexibility, open source and low cost makes them easy to implement various types of controllers that we knew from the electronics history, their functions includes fetching, decoding and processing.
The emmbedded system microprocessor is nothing but a computer chip that finds wide applications in lighting systems, home appliances, industrial equipments, smartphones, signal processing devices and general computing systems.
In a signal processor, microprocessors used in digital television includes decoding of digital and radio signals. In real time system, microprocessors are embedded in security devices like anti lock breaking system, These systems are widely used in automobiles. It's a performance
A microprocessor is built by using semiconductor devices where thousands of transistors are integrated into a single chip for better performance. For example, the Pentium 4 processors have around 40 to 50 million transistors. Most of the processor's parts includes, ALU(Arithmetic logic unit), Memory unit, control unit, registers, and system bus.
Arithmetic logic unit.
Memory unit.
Control unit.
System Bus.
Types of microprocessors.
1.General Purpose Applications.
Microprocessors for general purpose applications include personal computers, single-board micro computers, super minis and Computer Aided Designs (CAD).
Personal Computers
Personal computers have 8-bit or 16-bit microprocessors. Home computers come with 8-bit microprocessor for learning programs and playing video games, whereas the computers with 16- bit microprocessor are used for business, accounts, word processing, and other purposes.
Single-Board Micro Computers
The single-board micro computers have simple hardware and software configuration and are cheaper. These micro computers are used to build small computer systems and to train students.
Super minis and CAD
32 -bit processors are used in powerful microcomputers. And, as a result, the performance of these computers is far better than the mini computers; and, these are used in engineering side as CAD machines.
2. Special Purpose Application
special purpose application includes control, communication, instrumentation, office automation and publication.
In telephone industry, microprocessors are used in modems, telephone exchanges, digital telephone sets, and also in air reservation systems and railway reservation systems both at international and national levels. Mobile phones and televisions also use microprocessors.
In various instruments, microprocessors are implemented as main controllers and also used in medical instruments to measure temperature and blood pressure.
Microprocessors are now available in home appliances like washing machines and microwave ovens; and, in industrial-automation sectors, microcontrollers are used to control various parameters like temperature, speed, moisture and pressure.
Publication and Office Automation
These are used in office to perform spread sheet operations, and storage. In publication, microprocessors are used in LASER printers for good speed and making automatic photo copies.