This course is designed to enlighten you and dive you into the world of electronics engineering.
It's absolutely for beginners who has no knowledge about electronics. This course consists of more than 35 chapters and topics with each of them equipped with Videos for better understanding.
Learner's Requirements.
✓stage: Absolute begginners
✓Difficulty: Normal
✓Pereqiusite: None.
Course content.
- Introduction to electronics
- Introduction to Electricity and types
- Current electricity types and applications
- Direct current, sources and applications.
- Alternating current, sources and applications
- Circuit Basics for components beginners.
- Electronic components types and applications.
- Resistors, types and applications.
- How to calculate resistor's resistance value.
- Resistors in series and parallel connection.
- Capacitors Introduction and working principles.
- Capacitors types and applications.
- How to calculate capacitors capacitance value.
- Capacitors in series and parallel
- Capacitors in AC and DC circuits.
- Inductors, types and applications.
- How to calculate inductors inductance.
- Inductors in series and parallel connection.
- Inductors in AC and DC circuits.
- Transformers: Working principles, types and applications.
- Fuse, types and applications
- Speakers, working principles and types.
- Motors, working principles and types.
- Types of DC motors and applications.
- Types of AC motors and applications.
- Switches, types and applications.
- Batteries, types and applications.
- Diodes, working principles, types and applications.
- Transistors, types and applications,
- Transistors codes and lead identification.
- integrated circuits, types and applications.
- Types of integrated circuit depending on size.
- Applications of integrated circuit.
- Introduction to circuits.
- Circuit boards, types and applications.
- Begginer guide to soldering.
- Buildings simple circuits.
- Making a simple power bank.
- Demonstrating how transistors as a touch switch.
- making an AC rectifier.
Objective And Aim.
The Basic Electronics course begins with Electricity to how you can design a simple circuit. In this course you will learn about all electronics components with their characteristics, Applications and how to utilize them to form simple or complex circuits