Introduction to cellphone repair

Cellphone repair is a wide field which covers the whole of troubleshooting, hardware repairing and software.
Cellphones or smartphones are embedded systems which consists of hardware and software. The software is a code written to instruct the way the hardware works, such as turning of flash light in daylight when taking pictures. 

The hardware consists of sensors, the battery, touchscreen, circuit board, camera and so on.
So, cellphone repair is divided into two parts which are the hardware repairing and software.

Most mobile phone technicians only know either hardware or software, which means are only specified in an aspect. When it  comes to the one they aren't specified they give it to those that can do it perfectly. For example they can be good at hardware and not experienced in the software part.

Cellphone repair is divided into software parts and hardware, so let's get started with the hardware aspect.

Techie Brainiac

The brain behind BuildNode and NodeHut, builder, Tech geek, entrepreneur, innovator, inventor and an embedded and electronics engineer. Got an industrial training at RLG institute of technology. I'm holding a degree in computer science and engineering and have written hundreds of articles and tutored a lot of beginners like you. .

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