Inductors in circuits

Inductors are usually found in AC and DC circuits. They are use for regulating and filtering current in circuits. Inductors reacts to AC and DC in a very different way. It blocks AC and allow DC to pass through it freely, this makes it good at blocking unstable current in circuits and also for protecting circuits from electromagnetic interference.  In this tutorial we gonna learn about how inductors reacts in AC and DC circuits. 

Inductors in AC circuits.

When alternating current flows through an inductor, it blocks it from flowing and this phenomenon is called inductive reactance, and it's referred as choke in this manner. Inductors stores current in form of magnetic field just like capacitors which stores current in form of charges on their plates. The rate at which inductors block AC from flowing across them depends on it frequency and current. During the first cycle of an alternating current, an inductor stores the current in form of magnetic field around it coil and release it backward in the opposite polarity when it moves to another cycle thus opposing it from flowing. If the alternating current has high frequency it blocks the current completely. Alternating currents, flunctuating DC, flunctuating audio signals are all blocked by inductors.  They are use in AC-DC converter circuits to regulate and stabilise current and also in RF filters.

Inductors in DC circuits.

When DC passes through an inductor it allows it to flow without any obstruction thus it acts just like a mere conductor. At the first instance when DC passes through an inductor itResistancee increase and decrease zero ohms with time when the current stored in it is equals to the one flowing through it. When flunctuating current flows along DC it is filtered out by an inductor this makes it good in filtering and making band pass filters.

Techie Brainiac

The brain behind BuildNode and NodeHut, builder, Tech geek, entrepreneur, innovator, inventor and an embedded and electronics engineer. Got an industrial training at RLG institute of technology. I'm holding a degree in computer science and engineering and have written hundreds of articles and tutored a lot of beginners like you. .

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